Section: Info

Trained Political Ignorance

Most Americans are trained to think "liberal" is a far left position, and that Democrats are practically socialist. This nonsense protects wealth and privilege from social progress; so, here are some definitions and some clarifications.

Suppression of Protest and Dissent

Suppression of activism using violence, legislation, and infiltration is increasing; and now, the new administration promises to go after political rivals dictator style. Let's talk about the history and types of suppression.

Protest Marshals

Marshals are the people at protests wearing high-vis vests and doing things like blocking traffic and dealing with agitators. Here's some information and what marshals do and some debunking of misinformation about marshals.

Organized Protests

Are family friendly protests pointless? Are they a tool of the state to prevent rebellion? Are more violent actions counterproductive? Are all protests a waste of time? Let’s talk about some of the bullshit going around about protests.

St Paul Principles

The St Paul Principles were created to prevent activists with different ideologies and tactics from undermining each other. A lot of folks could use a refresher on what they say and why we use them.

Protest Communications

Basic information on effective use of communications technology for activists <a id='general'></a>


Reactionaries, authorities, and systems of oppression will seek to harm and disrupt movements for change. Don’t help them.


Making things worse so they get better

Defiance Disorder

Defiance Disorder