About Us


We're tired of fighting algorithms. We're tired of complacency and drama. We're tired of chosing between hiding behind private accounts or getting slaughtered in comments by bad faith trolls from places Florida and Mississippi.


We setup this site for a place to share information; to write about politics, activism, and society; and sometimes to just rant or trash on a crappy politician.


What are you, a cop? Fuck off.


If you like what we do or find it useful, please share with others, or send us a positive comment to offset all the harassment we get.

If you don't like it, that's fine, go read something else.

If you're mad - from words on a digital page(!) - maybe you should grow the fuck up. Seek professional help. Get a hobby other than fighting with people. Try to do something positive for the world - maybe it will make you feel better. We can't help you, but we're all humans - we really hope you are okay someday (and maybe a little less of an asshole).


We swear a lot. If we had a way to voluntarily tag our content as PG-13, we would, but despite all the baiting about kids and internet content, that simple bit of technlogy doesn't seem to be of interest to tech companies.

We fully understand that, yes, swearing is an indication that we are not intelligent and creative enough to express our feelings in other ways. There's no need to point that out. Also, fuck you.

The Name

The name has personal meaning to some of us, and it has multiple meanings. It is not intended to be ableist about mental health issues. If it ticks that box for you, we sincerely apologize. It is also in no way intended to imply that defying oppression is a disorder. I mean, duh, pretty much the site is exactly for the opposite.

Defiance Disorder

Defiance Disorder